''Moscow Kaleidoscope'', Installation, French Embassy, Russia June-August 2014 -read here-
How do you communicate what you see? What did the engraver Jean Deville observe during his trip to Moscow in 1961? And what , if any of these observations are present in the outlook of his granddaughter, Marie de la Ville Baugé, who never knew her grandfather, but finds herself living in Moscow fifty years later. In what way does the art of grandfather and granddaughter speak to each other, and is this a language we can understand? This is the enigma of Moscow Kaleidoscope.
Jean Deville was one of the greatest engravers of the 20th century. He is famous for his haunting images of the starving Christ. He was very interested in Russia and in particular the Soviet Union and decided to travel alone to the USSR in May of 1961 to watch the military parades.